Some believe that primary school to post secondary tuition should be exempted from any charges. I stand by
view and believe that adolescents may not perform well in class should they require to pay and Linking Words
, believe that everyone must be given a chance.
Working while studying would cause severe stress. Linking Words
In other words
, pupils already have an enormous pressure from class-room environment itself. Making them pay for their tuition would not only, add more pressure, but Linking Words
will make studying a burden which can have detrimental effects on a student's performance resulting in poor grades. Linking Words
For example
, when I was studying overseas as an offshore student the amount of pressure and stress from the university and the workplace was extreme. Knowing that I had to earn my living and travel expenses while maintaining good grades was one of the most difficult tasks I have ever come acrossed. Linking Words
, having to focus only on studies would make a student shine in the class-room.
Everyone must be given an equal opportunity. Critics who view that education should a chargeable service argue, that children may take free education for granted and not take responsibility, resulting in a poor return on investment from an economic perspective. While Linking Words
is true to some extent in my opinion, the only method to measure if someone can take responsibility would be by giving them an opportunity. Linking Words
For instance
, if a child born to an economically deprived family, that child will never be able to contribute to society if the tuition is chargeable. There have been many examples of individuals from around the world where they have risen up from poverty to become wealthy. Linking Words
, regardless of the economic situation of a citizen everyone must be given a chance to shine.
In conclusion, children may not perform well when they are required to pay for their studies due to added stress from having to earn while studying. Linking Words
In addition
, kids who are born to poor families may never get a chance to contribute to the society should the education is paid.Linking Words