The gap between the wealthy countries and poor countries has been widening ever since.
is occurring because of the fact that rich countries enjoy technological advances, but underdeveloped nations have no access to them. Linking Words
, multiple organizations and some nations have been taking steps to reduce Linking Words
The foremost cause for the drift is the technological advances and industrialization in multiple sectors, which poor countries cannot afford. Linking Words
For instance
, the Linking Words
world nations are still dependent on the traditional methods of agriculture and Linking Words
as a result
, they harvest fewer crops per square meter. Linking Words
On the other hand
, developed countries do not face Linking Words
issues. Another major cause is the low Human Development Index because of low life expectancy, per capita income etc. The major focus of Linking Words
economies is to stabilize themselves Linking Words
of spending resources on education, employment, research etc., which in turn will pay back the nation. Linking Words
In contrast
, the developed countries have prominent resources to spend on the sectors, which helps them to boost the economy Linking Words
There have been efforts to reduce Linking Words
economic drift in the world. The most prominent one is that the globe has established multiple organizations Linking Words
as World Bank, World Health Organization etc., to help the poor countries in times of need. Linking Words
For instance
, WHO is raising funds for the mid day meal scheme in India to promote education. Linking Words
, the privileged countries can promote their students to volunteer in underdeveloped nations. Linking Words
will inspire the people from poor countries to try endlessly to raise their standard of living and to pursue their dreams. The encouraged population of a country, even with lesser means, can do wonders.
In conclusion, the developed countries are using expertise to help their population, but the underdeveloped ones are still struggling to provide their communities with better living conditions. To diminish the gap between the rich and poor countries, collective measures from the global organizations, the governments of both the developed and underdeveloped countries and the human population, are needed.Linking Words