In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this overweight the disadvantages?

Education is the fundamental building block for children’s development, and the growth of students is very much dependent on the way of coaching. Some prefer educating students at home while others think it is necessary for children to attend schools.
, I am in favour of regular schooling because it is more beneficial for their overall development and prepares them for their future. On the one hand, there are groups of people who consider homeschooling has many benefits for the child’s growth.
For instance
, a student studying at home can get personal attention from parents, which result in good academic results.
, parents are aware of their child’s weakness and can help him to cope with difficulties.
, it can be said that children can learn their subjects at the pace in which they are comfortable, and
can help them to excel in studies.
On the other hand
, many consider schools as the required element in student growth. Educational institutions,
for example
, concentrate on teaching moral values like tolerance and sharing along with studies.
, children are encouraged to perform tasks in a team, enabling them to learn teamwork and not to dishearten by failure.
, the chances of suffering from depression are reduced to a greater extent in case he doesn’t get what he desired in the real world.
, school can provide a wide range of up to date educational resources, and well-trained teachers can guarantee the high quality of education. In conclusion, it can be seen that both the viewpoints have their own merits.
, I tend to believe that in order to sustain in the actual world, students should be motivated to get educated in institutions rather than learning alone at home. It is
hoped that the government will enforce strict laws for attendance in school compulsory.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Homeschooling
  • Tailored educational approaches
  • One-on-One Attention
  • Safe Learning Environment
  • Cost-Effective
  • Family Bonding
  • Limited Socialization
  • Potential Knowledge Gaps
  • Regulatory Challenges
  • Dependence on Parental Commitment
  • Limited Extracurricular Opportunities
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