Some people think that economic progress is the only way to measure a country’s success, while others think that there are other factors which can be used to measure a country’s success. What are these factors? Which, of all factors, do you think are most important?

There is a fair amount of people who, only based on monetary factors to measure a success of a country.
, there are others who believe that there are other means of measuring a success, namely the advancement of
, and the
of its human resource. In my opinion,
is the most crucial factor because of its role in advancing the development of other sectors.
has been evolving by leaps and bounds and providing many opportunities for a country to surpass others. One of the major contributions is that
is used as infrastructure in all domain applications, regardless of its nature.
For instance
, in a developing country
as Singapore, tourist can already use smartphones to pay for transport, meals and even a parking ticket. Another example is how it boosts healthcare sector in introducing new approaches.
has been proven by many, one of which, is the improvement in minor surgery, surgeons, nowadays, does not need to cut across one's stomach to treat appendicitis. The
of human resource
plays a crucial factor in a development. The
of the people accelerates the adoption of
technology which
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technology, which
eventually speed up the development.
For example
, In Indonesia, it took some time to implement online taxation and for people to start using it, because of they are just not used to online filing.
On the other hand
, when Singapore implements digital payment, it is adopted without even realizing it. When a high
of human resources is available, the adoption of
is way faster. To conclude, it has been many years that financial standpoint is used as the sole factor,
however I
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however, I
personally believe that
will eventually be used as other complementing factors. Given
situation, it is recommended for governing bodies to start looking into other factors when grading a success

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gross domestic product (GDP)
  • holistic approach
  • subjective well-being
  • quality of life
  • human development index (HDI)
  • green economy
  • technological prowess
  • social cohesion
  • equality and equity
  • cultural vitality
  • political transparency
  • judicial efficacy
  • civil liberties
  • progress indicators
  • societal prosperity
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