Governments around the world spend too much money on treating illnesses and diseases and not enough on health education and prevention. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I very much agree that world governments are not putting the
budget to good use as they are in fact spending more money on research centres and hospitals rather than on avoiding diseases and safety education.
allocating money to help cure diseases and treat sickness seems to be rewarding, a smarter approach is to help stop these issues from coming up in the
place. In fact, many of government's subsidies for hospitals and
centres can be reduced enormously if the public's behaviour changed and they protected themselves from catching or developing many of these illnesses.
, in order to actively take prevention steps, people need to be educated on the different diseases and their great dangers, as well as what can they do to stop them before they occur. For that reason, I believe a lot of value will come up from spending money in schools and universities to make
on top of the learning priorities.
, countries can take more active measures than just education to help citizens remain in good physical conditions. One example is making use of the different social media and other marketing venues to promote safety among people.
In addition
, countries can state regulations that would reduce the causes of
, to achieve
, governments must start by researching the common
problems and identifying their root causes,
defining the rules and fines to stop them (one example would be directing more penalties to reckless drivers that contribute in accidents). To sum up, I believe governments' must allocate more financial resources to illness prevention
of treatments.
can be done through awareness campaigns to the public, education techniques for students and defining regulations to control the causes of
problems. By tackling the problems from their roots, there will be less
centres and hospital expenditures.
Submitted by hebatallah.ram on

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