Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, some part of community affairs are derivative from issues that students take in high school. Some individuals think that voluntary social programs
as charity affairs, developing neighbourhood or work at the gym should be mandatory in high schools for youngsters. I personally agree with the given statements on the basis of learning, social behaviour and encounter with hard situations.
To begin
with, the main reason is that social behaviour is a determining factor when young people want to get a job. Community affairs lead students deal with the people that not only working without getting a salary to their job, but some of them spent money from their pocket for charity affairs. The more participate in community affairs by youngsters, the better improve their social manners.
For example
, feeding of poor people at church can enhance sympathy of students with individuals who have not sufficient money to prepare daily food.
, free public jobs can increase the responsibility of young students to society. Having said that,
, development of social behaviour are not the only factor in
respect, other arguments is that children will be encountered with the hard situations that they have not experienced yet.
That is
to say,
unpaid social jobs is almost the types of occupation which most of the students didn't know about them and they may face them in the future.
, Students are more likely to learn how to solve the unpredictable problems that they may exist on the hard condition.
For instance
, teaching English to foreign students is a good experience for students, to know more about the culture of other countries.
, they would know how to manage the problems and deal with them. To conclude, I personally that the view that it is acceptable to put students on free public services.
is mainly because young people need to know how to behave in society and how to deal with problems in their real life.
Submitted by f_shahbazi on

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