Nowadays, There are several varieties of education methods which can employ to teach students. But some people believe that students can take in from tutors much better than new methods
as Online classes and Media. I, Linking Words
, completely agree with the give statement on the basis of face-to-face connection and well-bing knowledge of the teachers.
Linking Words
To begin
with, the main reason is that direct conversation has always been one of the psychological methods to get more concentration on learning. To simply put, When the students take part at classes and talk with real people, teachers, they can encounter with problems that they didn't notice them. Linking Words
For example
, take a problem solving by the teacher and the students as an example; students can find several solutions for the questions by solving with teachers or other student as well. Linking Words
, The more participate in programs designed to teach by instructors, the more progress at lessons.
Having said that, Linking Words
, the face-to-face connection is not the only factor in Linking Words
respect, another argument is that teachers are more likely to be updated than the virtual media sources. Linking Words
That is
to say, teaching is the job of teachers, and providing that they want to be rewarded in their occupation, they should be more updates to lessons and new method to teach perfectly. Linking Words
For instance
, they can speak several hours about the how pollution effect the life of human and how it can exist in biology programs, which they didn't involve more in the book. Linking Words
, instructors utilize issues about the subject of lessons at classes that are very new and they are more touchable compared to books.
To conclude, I personally take the view that under no circumstances is it acceptable to deny teachers' roles on progression of students. Linking Words
Linking Words
is mainly because of the face to face relation between students and teachers and instill with state-of-the-art.Suggestion