Nowadays, some people consider individuals' economic wealth
ansin order to; used instead of "to", especially after try, come, go
social position more relevant than other personal behaviours,
suchLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
as morality, honesty and fidelity. In my opinion,
thisLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
is not the correct perspective to
analyzeconsider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
the world, because our societies still need values, as
of common living.
All societies give themselves rules to be respected, representing moral pillars
the community structure. A good example of that can be found in many religions: some human behaviours,
suchLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
honorbestow honor or rewards upon
, kindness and trust are considered positive, meanwhile unmorality, dishonesty and
unfidelitythe quality of being unfaithful
are seen
. In the past, during the middle age,
for instanceLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
honorbestow honor or rewards upon
was considered a key value, as told in many
At the same time, material possession and social status have always played a very considerable role,
alsoLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
in very tiny communities. In many cases, rich people got the political and military power. That was very common
the French revolution. Only at that time, a new concept of democracy and freedom
tokethe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
place, as shown in many masterpieces of philosophy written during and after the French revolution.
In our today's life, I think that values are still very relevant for a good society,
expeciallyto a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common
for younger
generarationsall the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age
. Many experts have expressed concern regarding the image of richness spreading worldwide thanks to social media.
ThisLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
iishave the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
no longer considered a positive example, because the
neesdin such a manner as could not be otherwise
of values for a normal development of a human being, in particularly in his or her earlier years of life.
In conclusion, I do not believe that
honorbestow honor or rewards upon
, kindness and trust are old-fashioned. Living
togheterin contact with each other or in proximity
alsoLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
respecting each other and equality is still necessary. Judging a
only considering his social position or economic wealth is superficial and a wrong attitude in interpersonal relationships.