Online shopping
as buying books, air tickets and groceries are becoming increasingly popular. While, buying things on the internet does have some deficits, these are negligible when compared to the benefits. Linking Words
essay will explain the same.
Perhaps, the main advantages of shopping online is it is economical and comfortable. Linking Words
For instance
, air tickets are cheaper when we book online tickets in advance, Linking Words
, they are expensive if we purchase it in airports. Linking Words
, with improvement in internet speed, sensible shopping is possible as we can compare the prices quoted by different sellers before buying any products online. Linking Words
In addition
, it is a boon for working women, who can sit comfortably at home and buy products of their choice Linking Words
of commuting to distant shops especially book shops. Overall, buying things online gives value for the money and it is convenient.
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, some disadvantages of online shopping are like they may not reach at the right time and the product may be defective. Linking Words
For instance
, I ordered my groceries online and realised that fruits and vegetables were not fresh. Linking Words
, the products might not reach the destination on the scheduled date which can create potential problems. Linking Words
, online shopping could cause some variation in the quality and there might be a delay in delivery.
In conclusion, despite the fact that products ordered on the internet might get delayed or can be damaged, these are negligible when compared to the convenience of buying online. Linking Words
, online shopping is gaining popularity at an alarming rate and indeed the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.Linking Words