, different people have distinct mindset. I do not agree with both the views. In my opinion, the authorities should support the inventor as well as other matters. The following paragraph would shed light on both approaches before making a final note.
To commence with the Suggestion
notion, there are myriad things to share in its favour. According to some people, the artist brings pride to the nation by the art and craft work. But it's bad times they need support. Linking Words
, the bureaucrats should take appropriate care of composer and help them in their needs. Linking Words
For example
, recently, Andrew Kishore, a famous singer of Bangladesh suffers from cancer and cannot do proper treatment because of poor conditions the state gave him 1 million dollars for his better treatment. Linking Words
As a result
, with these they can survive in their bad times and after recovery they start their work and bring more pride to our nation. Linking Words
In addition
, the regime Linking Words
organizes shows and exhibition for artist and helps them by giving profit share.
Shifting towards the Linking Words
school of thought, according to some people, the government should spend funds on sectors like water. Linking Words
means, the authorities can put more money on water purification. Linking Words
For instance
, a recent WHO report showed that, In 2018 Bangladesh government put less money in the aqua sector, because of Linking Words
most of the slum people suffer from different kinds of diseases. Linking Words
, The state need to better care about people daily needs. Linking Words
, the authorities Linking Words
take measures on other important sector Linking Words
, environmental problems, economic growth, so more capital is still needed for these sectors.
To conclude, I personally believe that, artists are a valuable asset to our nation. We need better care for them as well as other important sector related to people's daily need. So, the regime needs to better foot forward for the latter one.Linking Words