These days, many individuals are concerned about the surrounding world, In
regard, there is an opinion that the authorities should shut down the number of companies, which are not willing to take action in order to preserve the environment. Linking Words
, others feel that if these organizations are beneficial for the government budget, they should stay untouched.
There is no denying that protects the surrounding nature is essential for the individuals’ life. In Linking Words
reason, the majority of people believe that the politics, should regulate and decrease the level of pollution, which are produced by industries. Linking Words
That is
to say, they should close the companies, which are not keen to create their own recycling facilities. Linking Words
, the environment can be damaged by its negative consequences, Linking Words
as the extinction of the marine animals or water contamination. Linking Words
As a result
, many people can suffer from the lack of fresh water and shortage of food. A good illustration of Linking Words
is China, because many people are suffering from diseases, especially liver illnesses, which are caused by toxic waste materials.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, others feel that the authorities should penalize these companies in order to force them to create waste treatment facilities. It is widely accepted that closing Linking Words
kinds of companies can damage the government budget, because the authorities can lose the significant amount of money, which big industrial companies are paying to the state as a tax. In Linking Words
reason, many individuals believe that closing companies cannot be a viable option. To illustrate, many European countries, especially Scandinavian countries, force their business people to decrease the level of pollution and other toxic materials.
In conclusion, Linking Words
industries are generating profit for the government budget, they should be closed, if they are not willing to protect the environment, because the surrounding world is critical for individuals’ life. Linking Words
In addition
, it can lead to the contamination of the surrounding world.Linking Words