The number of professional migrations in underdeveloped countries to richer nations has risen significantly throughout years and have created a great impact on the economies of these developing countries.
essay will examine the main causes of brain drain in poor countries and suggest solutions to Linking Words
There are some specific reasons that might have led to the departure of educated people. The Linking Words
possible reason is the lack of satisfactorily educational and research facilities in developing countries. Due to these low-quality facilities, many skilled workers and educated people are prevented from pursuing their career. Linking Words
, they move abroad to developed countries where they are able to meet more adequate working conditions. Linking Words
, Linking Words
issue can be based on these professionals’ desire for better life. Linking Words
makes human capital flight a natural phenomena because people always want to have more chance to develop themselves as well as gain a better life. While living in their impoverish nations does not give them enough opportunities to use their talents, moving into developed one helps these people to develop ideas and improve their lives. Linking Words
As a result
, it is certain that they will migrate to developed countries to meet their standard of living.
In order to solve Linking Words
problem, the government should establish policies to stop Linking Words
movement. Linking Words
For instance
, poor countries must create a better educational system as well as good research facilities as to encourage people to stay and contribute to their own nations. Linking Words
, to tackle Linking Words
matter is that because people move to developed countries to meet their standard of living which they cannot find in their own one, the government should raise the salary of intellectuals to attract them to work in their countries and improve poor living qualities to reassure their lives.
In conclusion, brain drain is a leading problem in many developing countries which has caused adverse consequences to the economies of these nations. Linking Words
, it is essential that the government should be acknowledged about it and take definite actions to address it.Linking Words