In the modern society, many parents are concerned about where to raise their children. According to some people, living in the town most helpful for them while others believe that living in the rural area is much better for them. In my opinion, both ways of life have a lot of benefits, but rural area lifestyle would be better for children. I will discuss both of views and give my own opinion.
, there are some benefits of the way of the downtown life. They can get high quality of education. In the downtown, lots of people are crowed, which means there are high, demand for many facilities, education system, health care system. Linking Words
, the government supports citizens to gain high quality of facilities, that are well organized Linking Words
as public transportation, shopping mall, hospital. Linking Words
, high number of demanding means a majority of entrepreneurs may hire a number of people. Citizens can get more opportunities to get jobs than the countryside. Linking Words
, everything is well structured, Linking Words
people tend to be lazy. It is because they can get what they want easily in the urban. Convenience can make people to be lazy.
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On the other hand
, living in the rural area Linking Words
has some advantages. They can spend a lot of time with nature as they grow up. It is a huge advantage. Spending time with nature make children to maintain mental health, which can reduce the stress and anxiety. Linking Words
In addition
, they can eat locally grown food Linking Words
that is
hard to find in the urban and in the countryside, the population of the rural areas is quite low when we compare to the town. Eventually, children can breathe fresh air due to it has less air pollution as the amount of cars are not idling in traffic as happens in the city.
In summary, both ways of living would be great experienced with children. From my perspective, it will good for children to live in the countryside, they can close to nature as raising animals or growing plants and it can be a great too of education for them.Linking Words