In some countries, people have different views about
. Especially, many Ladies, who are becoming more earning their living and self-made, are not willing to rely on weddings anymore. Use synonyms
On the other hand
, in some other countries, getting married is a cultural norm for every woman to respect and start a new chapter of life with their counterparts. I believe that Linking Words
is still crucial for some reason which I will discuss below.
As the advancement of technology and economic development throughout the world have begun to create many opportunities, a rise of jobs for people to have their career and chance of self-making. Use synonyms
As a result
, women are starting to go to work and make a decent income. Linking Words
For example
, many companies set a new mindset of workplace gender equality, most of the ladies are promoted to be at an executive level and earn a lot of income. Getting rid of the importance of financial security from affiliation that used to be inevitable is no longer a momentous factor for them nowadays. Linking Words
, Women are becoming more self-sufficient. They are likely to be careless about their livelihood and concentrate on their career, which makes them unwilling to get married at the very Linking Words
. Linking Words
For instance
, many women have over-expectation for their Linking Words
. Because of Use synonyms
, it is impossible and Linking Words
difficult for them to say “yes” to the proposal and difficult for men to propose as well.
Linking Words
, Use synonyms
on the other hand
, is not all about the dependency of a female partner on her male partner just for the sake of money or financial security. It is considered as a lifelong bonding and long-term relationship between two people. The Linking Words
example is the relationship aids the daily life activities to be more convenient and smooth Linking Words
as helping each other on a daily task lessen their burden to make life at ease. Linking Words
, they share their feelings which helps them to overcome various problems in their lives. Linking Words
, the practice of not married is against the law of nature. If ladies will not get married, Linking Words
no children will be produced. Linking Words
, the human race would be at risk of extinction. Linking Words
, to save humanity from eradication on Linking Words
planet, Linking Words
is mandatory.
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that the main reason for Use synonyms
is having a lifelong partnership benefit not only encouraging each other healthier lifestyles but Linking Words
endless amounts of support. Linking Words
, Linking Words
women‘s self-sufficiency still makes unwillingness to get married, the family institutional is always importantLinking Words