International travel is becoming cheaper, and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists. Do the advantages of increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages?

Nowadays, As globalization has been connecting countries together,
has become the leading industry. Many countries are starting not only welcoming more tourists, but
providing many affordable services to attract more visitors. It is said that
trend has a huge benefit for the development of the economy, but I believe that the drawbacks are far more outweighed. On the
aspect of the matter, there are some reasons why national governments focus on developing of
. It is obvious to see that
possibly boosts up the national economic background in terms of both the local populace. These particular actions are completely vital in economic contexts since local people could benefit from trading with travellers by selling their services
as handmade-crafts, which lead to improve their livelihood and
reduce the rate of unemployment.
For example
, Thailand is a country where has the flourishing
and become one of the top tourist attractions in South East Asia. As exempting visas for most countries, improving services, annually, it welcomes millions of visitors all around the world, and creating thousands of works for the citizens.
, it could say that the development of the country is attached to
. On the remained aspect, I would like to advocate that
is the primary reason for the devastation of the environment. Every year, millions of tons of garbage wasted into natural, mostly from thoughtless travellers, are gradually damaging our natural environment.
Nam Du
Accept comma addition
Nam, Du
island in Vietnam,
for instance
, used to be a pristine paradise. But now, it has become a “landfill site” since a large volume of tourists come to
yearly which makes the local authorities out of control.
, the more increasing travelling, the more destroying our nature. In conclusion, it is undeniable that the advantages of
and an indispensable part of the development of the country. But I have a belief that the government will soon realize how serious is the environment being destroyed by the
industry and implement the right solution.
Submitted by bboylatoi on

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Answer the 'Advantages and Disadvantages' topic

IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement.

Answer structure for the type of essay

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – advantages
  • Body paragraph 2 – disadvantages
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • The main advantage is...
  • The disadvantage of this...
  • The main benefit...
  • Despite these advantages...
  • One possible drawback...

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