It is argued that in
period, it is not worth using the animals for our needs. While others claim that they can still be useful to our society. Linking Words
essay will argue why animals are not useful anymore in our community.
Almost three thousand years ago the only source of life available to the humans was represented by animals. In fact, we can claim that without the existence of animals on our planet the human being would have probably been death billion ago. Linking Words
humans being had wanted survive without animals, it would have been impossible since that the latter represented the only existent way to survive. Animals were not only used as a source of food, Linking Words
in addition
, their skin was used to produce heat, which was essential to survive in cold temperatures. Linking Words
, their existence was essential because the number of the latter was unlimited, Linking Words
our ancestors could feed their families without worrying about the quantity of food consumed.
Nowadays, we have the opportunity of satisfy our needs without the use of animals, indeed, we can count on the industrial development occurred during the years. Linking Words
, thanks to the latter, we can use tools which are even more efficient than animals. Linking Words
, there are still many individuals who continue to abuse animals, using them in the clothes industries or to discover new medicines, causing Linking Words
their extinction.
Linking Words
essay argued why, Linking Words
beforehand animals were essential now their use is inefficient and useless to our society. To conclude, in my opinion, afterwards the industrial growth, people can obtain the best implements without damage the animal world. Linking Words
, in Linking Words
way citizen can help our environment as well.Linking Words