In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

Traditionally it was common for students to enrol and graduate from their local universities,
, these days they have greater avenues available for studying abroad. There are benefits to students travelling to other countries,
as being able to study and learn from the best in the world, but there are drawbacks to
as well. On the one hand, the increased possibility to study abroad for students provides them with a chance to avail the benefit to go for an advanced degree and higher education.
is especially true for people in the underdeveloped and developing countries, where
facilities are often lacking or rudimentary at best.
As a result
, students can gain education in specialized areas of interest in reputed international colleges that are known
the state of the art laboratories and professors in these highly advanced technical fields.
provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to develop professionally as well as personally, since they can explore a different culture and learn and benefit from a diverse system.
On the other hand
, a large number of students studying in universities other than the ones in their own countries have many drawbacks.
can result in the mass movement of the brightest and the sharpest minds,
, resulting in a brain drain.
will eventually impact the overall growth and sustenance of the industry and academia in their countries of origin.
, less students enrolling in local institutions mean they are being devoid of crucial funding and development opportunities, since they lose out on a big portion of fees.
can be especially problematic for poorer countries who already struggle to fund education at all levels, particularly at the tertiary level. In conclusion, as more students opt to study abroad owing to the increased opportunities, it leads to a loss of future high performing citizens and impacts the country adversely.
Submitted by najeeb.quadeer on

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