Nowadays, the western world faced a crucial problem with harmful advertisement and the consequences. In regards to
a commercial, there is a dramatic change happens in adolescent lives. Linking Words
, Smoking issue among the teenagers is the major part of the crucial issue. Linking Words
essay is going to examine the facts more closely.
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To begin
with, the fact that smoking cause health problems is widely admitted. Linking Words
As a result
of using cigarettes, people get lung cancer or heart diseases. Linking Words
, Linking Words
diseases are more and more common in adolescents, due to the fact that they started smoking at an early age. Another supreme reason why cigarette advertisement should be banned is the government spending on free treatments. Linking Words
In other words
, treatment of the consequences of cigarette consumption is quite expensive and the state allocates a lot of money annually. Due to Linking Words
, other important areas Linking Words
as transportation or education receive less money.
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, there are some possible solutions to Linking Words
problem is the increased awareness of teenagers. Linking Words
, children will be less amenable to peer pressure and TV advertisement. Linking Words
For example
, special classes at least once a week with specialists could radically increase the teenager’s awareness. Another, perhaps, a good solution is the government should cigarette impose tax higher to reduce demand and cover the cost of treatments. Linking Words
, if the price of cigarettes will be too high, teenagers would not be able to afford it.
To conclude, TV advertising of cigarettes is a crucial issue with political implementation. Especially in the country where so many young people are addicted to smoking. Linking Words
, possible solutions can be made to reduce the number of smokers in general.Linking Words