Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both sides of the argument and then give your opinion.

Educational establishments used to use computers for one subject;
, today, some schools and institutes are implementing the PC as the main tool for an educational process. Thereof, while some parents think that
trend is a positive, others concern about the ambiguous influence of gadgets. Overall, I think computers for studying are an inevitable consequence of technological progress, whilst, probably is not in proper time on account of reasons that I describe below.
of all, the undeniable fact that a gadget in a backpack is more convenient than many books there, and appealing to many students owing to they are used to using computer-based
everywhere. All software,
for example
, synchronization via the internet that allows parents to check homework their children, and teachers to send tasks to absent students.
, if people bear in mind technological progress, which presently is permanent, computers for the purpose of studying eventually happen with or without parents desire.
, the implementation of computers in an educational process has, on the surface, profitable parts for everybody.
, has been noticed that all gadget has many drawbacks, even for non-educational purpose, thereby many parents concern about a negative side the implementation of computers. Computer-based
is fluorescing,
for instance
, that has an ambiguous impact on the eyes of children.
, all computers are connecting to the internet that creates distractions for studying and less possible to control.
, computers in education could have not only a positive, but
a destructive side that presently almost uncontrolled. To conclude, people today live in the era of
therefore impossible
Accept comma addition
therefore, impossible
for them to resist implementing computer-based
for studying.
, because all gadgets today is almost uncontrolled, and have a controversial impact on health students; I believe it is the wrong time to implement technologies for education.
Submitted by ilua.cavchuk on

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