The role of mobile phones in children's lives is always a debatable topic, where some support the notion and other remain dissent. According to me judicious use under strict monitoring is always making these gadgets a non replaceable asset in
's life.
On the one hand, some argue that gaming applications in smart phones not only waste their time, but Use synonyms
over time children become addictive to them. Through a survey it has proven that it puts the detrimental effect on Linking Words
health and mental well being. Use synonyms
For instance
, games like PUBG making the younger Linking Words
generation aggressive
and solace for the surroundings. Accept comma addition
generation, aggressive
, they say that internet option in handy devices many times distract young minds from studies and lure them towards the dark web and growing minds, not able to differentiate between good or bad and may get trapped in the wrong does which spoil their future.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, supporters argue that these gadgets has lessen the Linking Words
crime rate. Use synonyms
For example
, the WhatsApp live feature has made parents monitor the track the present geographical location of young one's. Linking Words
, they say educational apps has widened the scope of learning horizons and made all the information available in pocket. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
they Linking Words
feel that advanced feature like parental control and Linking Words
lock has made the customization possible and parents can check what a Use synonyms
has explored in the device. Use synonyms
precise monitoring and full utilisation of technology has open new doors for learning for students.
In conclusion, I ponder that every advancements have two facets, it's up to individual that which face one going to adopt and explore. I strongly believe that If mobile phones are used under strict monitoring by parents and Linking Words
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teachers, then
these will surely act as a boon for children's safety and cognitive development.Linking Words