Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries. Do you think the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Students around the world have always been evaluated through tests and examinations during the
term. Could
method really be effective for their growth? In
essay I will discuss why drawbacks outweigh the advantages of continuous testing pupils.
To begin
with, trials are not equal from
, and
does not allow an objective assessment of students as each test might have a different level of difficulty. Two students with the same skills might obtain different results if assessed in different schools.
In addition
, each professor has is own subjective way of assessing a test. How could that objectively reflect a scholar's real ability?
For instance
, from my own experience, by doing the same test twice, I received two contrasting votes from two professors, and the final vote was the result of the statistical average between those votes. Another significant factor to bear in mind is pressure. Each one of us reacts individually, and not everybody manages to handle it, especially during the
year of
, it is known that anxiety is highly widespread among pupils:
psychological disturb will definitely affect negatively their results.
For example
, a classmate of mine because of anxiety could not reach high votes in the
two years of high
as a result
, as soon as he managed to take control of his condition, he ended up with getting the best scores in the whole class.
On the other hand
, the actual system of evaluation applied by
the school
might prepare pupils to be ready for either universities or their future jobs, where handling pressure and anxiety is required,
in particular
by companies. In conclusion, even though testing and examining characterises today schools' principal aspect that "forges" students so that they will be ready for their
steps, I personally believe that disadvantages prevails on advantages, and
approach will negatively reflect on scholars' results.
Submitted by luca rossi on

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