Needless to say, Every lives matter and everyone have the same soul and body which feels pain and hunger. The Animals are an important part of nature's life cycle and food supply chain so
would partially agree with the statement. According to my opinion, I would like to say animal usage to some extent is quintessential in some aspects, but for the fashion and showing richness it is dissatisfactory.
refers to the speaker or writer
and foremost, Humans are on the top of the food chain and mastered in running the planet, but undoubtedly the animals are Linking Words
an enormous portion of the earth's life cycle. Linking Words
, It is insanity of mankind to show the brutality and cruelty towards other species who are speechless and depends on their kindness dramatically. According to the survey of "Linking Words
", Every Suggestion
almost 6,00,000 wild catch fishes, 78,000 chickens, 49,000 pond fishes, 2 camels, 1 donkey, 90 sheep, 89 goats, 300 pigs, 500 lambs is getting chopped off for fulfilling the food requirements and making luxuries clothes from their skin. These horrified data are enough to show the mirror and warning to limit the exposure to some scale.
Linking Words
On the contrary
, being on top of the species, it gives us freedom to use our knowledge Linking Words
best pre
and the authority to run everything in accordance to flourish the destitute needs. Addition to Suggestion
the best pre
, Any medical research or any new medicine Linking Words
outcome can only testify on the other creatures to ensure man's safety and save peoples' lives. Linking Words
, the effectiveness and efficiency can be only determined if the experiments should done properly on other bodies before implementing them on planet guru's. Linking Words
For instance
, Most of the disease cure Linking Words
malaria, dengue fever, tumour, abdomen aches and bone surgeries were Linking Words
performed numerous time on the silent species to mark safe for the use in our society.
In retrospect, I would like to conclude that everyone has their own importance and everyone has feelings, emotions and families so it is good to use them when we have affluent resources available to fill the bellies. Presenting wellness by wearing skin is the stupidity and tremendously wrong in my opine. Linking Words
, for medical research Linking Words
is acceptable to some extent for saving the precious lives and benefitting the community.Linking Words