In the contemporary world, Critics say people in the entertainment industry are being offered hefty cash in lieu of their performance. I disagree with
belief. Linking Words
, Linking Words
I Linking Words
believe that the people who are serving our nation should be equally appreciated in monetary terms.
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To begin
with, in the entertainment industry performers are known to receive huge amounts of money since they are performing an art, and any artist, even if it is just acting, should receive huge sums of moneyLinking Words
Undoubtedly, their life seems simple, they put in the enormous hard work to bring a smile on other people’s face, which is considered as the most difficult task. Accept space
In addition
, they sometimes have to go through tough physical transitions just to be in the character they are portraying. Linking Words
For example
, according to an article in The Forbes magazine, entertainers are pushing their limits to be more Linking Words
to their viewers.
On the other hand
, there are highly reputed jobs which are rewarded low salaries, Linking Words
as army soldiers, in spite of the fact that they are serving our nation at the cost of their life and family. At the same time, there are official reports that depict the low wages of people in the armed forces. It is often said if they would not perform their duty, any country would not be safe. Despite the risk, their salary is not sufficient to justify their sacrifice. To illustrate, in an academic research done at Cambridge University, it has been shown that a vast majority of people prefer other highly paid jobs Linking Words
of the armed forces as they pay less. If the existing unacceptable scenario prevails for longLinking Words
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the number of aspirants for the armed forces will keep on declining.
In conclusion, I concur with the high salaries of entertainers since they are making content for our leisure time by sacrificing their personal life. Alongside, As far as other well respected jobs are concerned, Linking Words
as army service, even they must receive a salary commensurate with their unmatched contribution in the overall well being and safety of the country.Linking Words