In some cultures, the old age is more valued, while in some cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

It has always been a controversial topic when it came to whether the elderly or the youths should be more valued. While in many cultures, the seniors are receiving a really high level of attention and respect in the communities, I strongly believe that the juvenility should receive more appreciation.
and foremost, there are reasons for the elderly to be considered as an essential element of the community. The main reason for
view is that older people are those who act as a role model for the younger generation as they lead their way with experiences and knowledge. To illustrate we can look into the case of extended families, which is a very usual phenomenon in Asian culture: In these families, the grandparents are those who have the most powerful voices in the household, they usually indulge in the act of lecturing their descendants in order to lead the children's path and help them overcome obstacles in life.
, it's unequivocal that the seniors are those who handed us down all the cultural values of the nation throughout thousands of years, which is
an integral part of maintaining the fabric of society.
On the other hand
, it's undeniable when it comes to the great importance of the youths, especially in the modern days when the world is growing faster than ever.
of all, young people have health as their greatest wealth. They have enough strength and endurance to work sufficiently,
therefore able
Accept comma addition
therefore, able
to achieve magnificent accomplishments that can exert great impacts on the nation.
, the younger generation always has the enthusiasm and the energy that brings them the will to learn new things or accumulating skills that older people may find challenging.
For instance
, it's prevalent for adolescences to engage in volunteer projects or non-profit organizations in order to widen their horizon and challenge their aptitude in a fresh environment, which can be favourable for both individuals as well as the whole community. In a nutshell, notwithstanding that there are profound insights about the importance of the elderly in the community, I hold the believe that it's vital to cherish the youths as they are the future of the humanity and they are the generation with infinite potential.
Submitted by uywn uywn on

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