In some cities, public parks and open spaces are changed into gardens where local residents can grow their own fruit and vegetables. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years, in several urban areas around the world, public parks
are being
Wrong verb form
have been
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turned into
in the neighbourhood can plant their desired kinds of greens and fruits. From my perspective, I am convinced that
is a positive trend and its advantages surpass its downsides. To commence with, it is undeniable that having agricultural sites in big cities brings about some inconvenience. The most significant drawback is that the
appearance of the city, which is considered a modern and spotless place, will be spoiled as gardening activities are quite dirty.
For example
, there will be dirt and mud on the street as
enter and leave the
or harvest their vegetables.
, vegetables do not provide the tranquillity and calm atmosphere that parks with a variety of trees have.
, I strongly believe that
development has more beneficial aspects than disadvantageous ones. The primary advantage is that
supplies citizens
Change preposition
with a
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clean and sustainable source of vegetables, which makes a huge contribution to their healthy lifestyle,
as well as
benefits them economically. Not only can city dwellers enjoy organic food
that is
good for their well-being, but they can
set aside a great amount of money since purchasing greens from the market is not necessary anymore.
In addition
, the fact that
can grow plants in
in the middle of urban areas can support them mentally and hinder mental illnesses
as depression. Given that gardening is a calm and relaxing activity,
can either decompress
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find a new hobby when doing
. All of which reduce the risk of being burnt out and depressed. In conclusion, it is true that replacing public parks with
Verb problem
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some disadvantages.
, I am of the opinion that the benefits of
trend eclipse its negative sides, in terms of health improvements and money-saving.
Submitted by hathuylinh1806 on

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task response
Ensure that your thesis statement is clear and directly addresses the question prompt. Also, make sure to support your stance throughout the essay by providing specific examples and explanations.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure to use linking words and phrases to guide the reader through your ideas more effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Community Engagement
  • Social Interaction
  • Physical Exercise
  • Mental Relaxation
  • Fresh Produce
  • Sustainability
  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Air Quality
  • Educational Opportunities
  • Horticulture
  • Teamwork
  • Sustainable Living
  • Food Security
  • Locally-grown
  • Nutritious
  • Neighborhood Bonds
  • Urban Sustainability
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