There has always been two different opinions about when to stop learning. Traditionally, age of sixty five was considered as the maturity to retire. But, Things are changing now in the modern world where a same maturity is seen as the new beginning.The detailed observation about both the approaches are provided at the points below.
Lets, talk about traditional approach
. In order to understand a thinking behind the old learning, we need to focus on the type of task done previously. Linking Words
For example
, Most of the work available in the industry was labour intense. Linking Words
kind of work requires a physical stamina. When the person making Linking Words
a kind of task for forty plus years, Linking Words
he is not expected to be curious about learning new things after retirement. Mostly, he would like to relax and stay at home. Linking Words
Linking Words
Also there
were very few modes of communication available that time like Internet for the possibilities of learning new things.
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Also, there
On the other hand
, In the modern world of the computer and technology, Linking Words
scenario is changing very quickly. Linking Words
, It has changed the way we live. Linking Words
For Instance
, Most of the jobs are turning out to be a desk job where less physical activities are involved. Linking Words
, the Internet and travel have been a big revolution for the person engaged in many learning opportunities.
In conclusion, It is most clear that opinion changes in case to case basis. In some instance the age is just a number so they never stop learning, whereas for others, it's a time to relax and identify inner peace.Linking Words