The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems to increase the costs of fuels. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that the mother nature is always necessary to live our
. Some people might think that it is the greatest method to resolve the environmental issues to price up the natural resources
as gasoline internationally.
the environment of the society is significant, I strongly disagree with the idea.
essay will address the perspective of how the natural resources influence our
of all, the economy of the world is usually affected by the fuels.
In other words
, the natural resources would be the main factor to operate the economic benefits because the number of people may not earn the money from their workplace.
For example
, if the cost of the fuels raised up, the majority of industries cannot run their factories and
the rate of unemployment would increase because the budget of companies is restricted to pay the salary for their employees which means the company cannot afford to give the expensive price for the fuels and their workers.
, when the price of the fuels goes up, it may become the serious unemployment in our community.
, it would be affecting to decrease using the transport. All transportations
as cars are required the gas to move.
, when the costs increase, an abundance of people might not take the vehicles properly,
subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors)
then then
it will be the cause to deteriorate the human's lifestyle because many individuals would not enjoy their
as the leisure time.
For instance
, when they need to go camping, the vehicles are essential, but they are not able to do it due to the high fares of the gasoline.
, using transport may not be taken once the level of fuelling cost increases and it connects
Accept space
might decline) people's happiness index. In conclusion, in spite of the fact that the environmental problems are concerned, inclining the cost of resources is not the best choice for human's
. We need to encourage people to consume it, but they might control to prevent destroying the nature appropriately.
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