Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

Nowadays digital technology has reached unprecedented levels of innovation and it has changed every aspect of our lives including the way we study.
As a result
of the technological boom, computers are being used more and more in
both in schools and at home. Some critics argue that
new phenomenon is a positive development while others believe the opposite. I totally agree that using computers in
has more positive than negatives and I will discuss both views in
essay before coming to a conclusion.
, one of the greatest advantages of using computers in
is the availability of remote learning. In
way students can fit the learning around the home life and can get a degree from everywhere in the world, but the greatest benefit is the fact that they do not have to be physically present at school. A good example to illustrate
enormous benefit is the case of the most recent Covid 19 lockdown imposed in countries around the world, when students of all ages were able to carry on studying from the comfort of their home only because they had access to computers. If
type of device had not been previously used in
, studying would have been interrupted for several months during the lockdown with enormous negative consequences on ongoing learning.
On the other hand
, using computers for learning can lead to disparity and unequal access to
among students from different areas and countries.
type of technology can be extremely expensive and not all schools have the resources to equip classrooms with computers.
For example
, in Romania almost 40% of the total number of public schools have no computers,
making the tech disparity a real issue when it comes to using computers for
disadvantage can easily be resolved by convincing the government to provide more funds for technological innovation in schools.
issue can make someone believe that using high tech for learning can be a negative trend. In conclusion,
there are some disadvantages associated with using computers in
, I strongly believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives.
, it can be argued that
new phenomenon is a positive development in the modern world.
Submitted by andrusca.anamaria on

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