In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

Hard work is an essential factor in leading to progress. In some countries, people teach their children that they can gain anything through hard job.
essay will discuss how
situation can be beneficial by raising hard-working children and increasing their possibility of accomplishment.
, the essay will clarify other factors as a disadvantage.
On the other hand
, there can be two benefits to telling a child to performance hard.
and foremost, the youngster will grow up learning skills, which make him
her a hard-worker individual in adulthood.
In other words
, it is in the unconscious of the offspring to try hard not to give up in order to tackle the problems. A
widely-observed benefit might be the amplified possibility of a juvenile's prosperity.
, the more the teenager tries hard, the more he
she might be successful in the future.
On the other hand
, other factors are involved in achieving anything. The toddler will face a massive disappointment if she
he believes that hard effort is the only way to succeed. To clarify, parents should inform their children that their hard effort would not pay off unless their goal is realistic and logical.
For instance
, a child could not travel to the sun no matter how hard he
she tries hard.
, not only would the kid, not achieve the goal, but would
be disappointed with what he
she learns from the parents. In conclusion,
working hard is a fundamental skill to be taught to children to increase their possibility of achievement, it is not the only factor.
, parents should be aware of a realistic goal for their offspring in order to prevent the failure of their kid in the future.
Submitted by omid on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • achieve
  • try hard
  • positive mindset
  • self-belief
  • motivates
  • ambitious goals
  • resilience
  • determination
  • confidence
  • self-esteem
  • growth mindset
  • unrealistic expectations
  • disappointment
  • failure
  • effort
  • hard work
  • seek support
  • individual differences
  • abilities
  • capabilities
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