Successful sports professional can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is thought by some people that sports celebrities deserve to earn large sums of
, whereas others believe that it is unfair. While sports people should earn enough
to support them, I believe that giving them huge salaries is unfair. On the one hand, some people support rewarding sports stars with high salaries for some reasons.
, they have short careers and by the time they are in their late thirties, most of them will have retired.
is due to pushing themselves beyond their limits during their careers and stressing their bodies.
As a result
, they need to earn enough
in their youth and save for their old age.
, sports people are a nation’s pride and many countries have become famous due to their well-known sports teams.
For instance
, when a country wins the Football World Cup, the media start talking about it and,
, tourists may become curious and interested in visiting that country.
, they should be given reasonable salaries and too much
is still unjustified.
On the other hand
, others believe that the amount of
sports people earn is too much, and I agree. Sports stars are not as beneficial to societies as teachers, doctors, or others who work in professions that serve societies.
For example
, a country cannot function without doctors and teachers, yet if sports celebrities are absent, nobody will be affected. Another point is that giving large sums of
to certain occupations can promote inequality in societies. Many people work just as hard as sports stars, yet they receive minimum wages barely enough to provide their basic needs.
shows that sports stars should have reasonable salaries and that people working in other important occupations must receive more
to encourage them for their service. In conclusion,
people may have varying opinions, I believe that giving too much
to sports stars is detrimental to societies and that other workers deserve high payment as well.
Submitted by Maria .A on

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