The growing number of overweight people is putting strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in school curriculum. To what extend do you agree?

Owing to the problems caused by increasing population of overweight people to the existing health care infrastructure, it is thought by some people that it is crucial to include more sport and exercise in the school curriculum to address
issues. I completely agree, as
approach will have long lasting effect on people and future generations.
, to have more sport and physical activities in schools has clear advantages when it comes to dealing with issues surrounding obesity and weight problems. At present, on an average, a child in the West does athletics twice a week.
is not enough to counteract their
sedentary lifestyle. Introducing games and physical sports in schools will encourage children to stay fit and more active.
For instance
, people exercising daily clearly demonstrate improved blood circulation, higher concentration levels and a healthy mental state.
, helping children inculcate body workout as part of their daily life at a very early stage will ensure healthier individuals in the future.
point to consider is that, parents will start taking their children's health seriously if they are educated about the risks and benefits of exercise. To illustrate, as per a recent survey, if adults are aware and informed about best practices to control weight, their children are more likely to choose a better way of life.
For example
, Parents with sporty kids are more likely to indulge in physical activities.
is to say, kids habituated to sports might encourage their family members to develop a habit of exercise. Children are predominantly influenced by their parents.
, parents will encourage their children to inculcate healthy lifestyle by participating in extracurricular sports activities. It is
wise to take a long term approach while dealing with lifestyle issues
over weight as a person's body needs time and consistent effort to heal. To summarize, in order to deal with the growing number of unfit and unhealthy people, changing the way of life of the coming generation by introducing more physical education lessons in the school curriculum is the easiest and a natural method to use.
Submitted by nayan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • obesity rates
  • health care system
  • physical education
  • instill
  • long term
  • raise awareness
  • healthier lifestyle choices
  • nutritional education
  • active transport
  • quality of instruction
  • facilities and equipment
  • diet control initiatives
  • community sports programs
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