Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

many developing countries receive large sums from developed countries in order to tackle poverty, the problem still remains unsolved. Because of
, many economists argue that they should get benefitted in the ways other than the financial aids. I completely agree with
view because of the inability of the poor countries to manage money and the limited nature of monetary help.
To begin
with, developing countries or under-developed countries, because they do not know how to manage billions of dollars, get very short-lived benefits if they are helped in
is because there are multiple socio-economical and political reasons due to which the money does not get invested properly by the government. Corruption,
for example
, prevents many of these countries to achieve something fruitful from the donations.
the incompetence
of governments to resolve complex and intertwined local problems, liquidity is not the best way to aid them.
, well-settled nations could help the needy countries in ways that have more sustainable consequences rather than donating big amounts. These ways can develop the smaller economies in a more comprehensive manner that the larger economies forgetting about them after getting relieved of their moral duties.
For instance
, tax benefits provided to wealth companies to invest in developing countries would provide these smaller nations with employment, skills, and better education to meet the demand.
, while monetary aid definitely helps the country receiving the amount, other
Accept comma addition
ways, such
as foreign direct investments can foster the economy
capable of being sustained
. In conclusion, many individuals opine that rich nations should assist poor nations
in addition
to financial assistance.
my opinion,
is crucial because of the uncertainty of the money's spending and the better potential options for the assistance.
Submitted by Sanket Patel on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • poverty alleviation
  • economic inequality
  • developing nations
  • foreign aid
  • sustainable growth
  • technical assistance
  • expertise
  • infrastructure
  • education
  • fair trade
  • trade barriers
  • sustainable development
  • environmental conservation
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