IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, it is thought that wealthy nations support money for poorer countries, but it does not address poverty. As a result, developed countries should provide practical help to developing countries. I total
In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether poor countries need developed countries' help rather than charge or not, with many people believing that one of the best ways to help people living in developin
Now days as a sort of help to poor countries, some wealthy countries provide money to them, so some people think that fianancial support can provide better quality of life , while other blieve that giving them another ty
In my opinion, it depends on what poorer countries need to deloveped their country. Some poorer countries need financial aid to slove their poverty and some countries need the supplier. As you can see, during Covid pande
Wealthy nations often assist economically unstable countries with funds, but this is not a definitive solution to ending poverty. I firmly agree that rich countries should employ a variety of methods to address this issu
Nowadays, many wealthy nations often give one part of their budget to poorer countries. However, some people think that it can not solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should use other ways of support to help po
The stability of a nation's financial status directly influences its development. It is evident that many wealthy countries recently have been willing to support poorer nations by donating money to reduce their economic
The stability of the financial status of a nation has direct influences over its development. It is conspicuous that, recently most of the wealthy countries are willing to pay their patronage by donating money to diminis
Financial funding is a way for how developed countries such as The US and The UK to help underdeveloped nations. However, some people suggest that rich nations should come up with other measures to solve poverty. I defin
The developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada imparted money to underdeveloped nations to help them out. Certain people believe that it is better to give others measures instead of charity funds.
People have different views about advanced ones help weaker territories with their economic troubles. It is believed that rather than aiding by providing payments, they have an opportunity to cater to other support for t
People have different views about helping weaker territories with the advanced ones. It is believed that rather than aiding by providing payments, they have an opportunity to cater to other support for taking them to a b
People have different views about helping weaker territories with the advanced ones. It is believed that rather than aiding by providing payments, they have an opportunity to cater to other support for taking them to a b
Poverty is a prevalent issue that affects many developing countries. Some people and societies believe that it should be addressed by Rich countries by dedicating financial aid. However financial aid seems to be a direct
Poor countries have the proplem of poverty rather of the help that rich coutry provide it. The devolpment coutries must support those poor country with another ways. This essay will discus .the ways of support the poor c
first world coutnries always offer money to the third world countries , however, the problem is never solved ,due to that , people think it should to have another way to help them than money , I strongly with this idea ,
The issue of poverty has sparked a heated debate among many. It is widely argue that the most poor contries ometimes need a financial support from more successful ones. It is notion without its critisizm, because the ori
Agreed because giving the financial aid it is helping but not enough to sustain or improve life quality of the people in poorer country . So not just financial aid if possible they should help with technology support to
Wealthy countries tend to grant money to less-developed countries in order to solve poverty, however, the outcome is unsatisfactory. Thereby, this prompt suggests that other kinds of help should be given to address this
Nowadays, wealthy countries help poorer countries by giving them money. However, it does not help them that much so that rich countries should give other non-financial help to poor countries. This essay will discuss this
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