Money is the most indispensable for living life, and learns to value it at an early life is helpful for later life.
, Linking Words
essay disagrees with the statement that it should be studied in school because learn to merit money cannot be studied as a subject in academy like any other subject. Linking Words
, it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children Linking Words
moral ethic.
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, School has a lot of subjects in their timetable, and students already have so much burden on their shoulders. Linking Words
, to teach pupils the importance of cash and how to spend it, in the curriculum is a bad idea, because they already have a lot to study and Linking Words
cannot be taught in the academies and take an exam and pass it. Linking Words
For example
, an experiment has been done in the UK, they started to teach moral values in schools, but after some time they have found that students lack behind in other subjects.
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, Children adopt the moral values from their parents and grandparents. Linking Words
, parents have to make their children realize the worth of cash at an early age. Linking Words
knowledge from an initial age would be fruitful and will not spend cash on an unnecessary luxury. Linking Words
For instance
, Warren Buffet - the world's top investor, said in one of his interviews that he realized the significance of capital when he was in school. His Linking Words
investment was at the age of 11 by his saving from pocket money given by his parents. Linking Words
As a result
, today he is a billionaire and 5th richest person in the world.
To conclude, knowing the importance of wealth in childhood could be benevolent and Linking Words
of teaching it in school, parents should inculcate moral values to their children.Linking Words