Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

All over the world, many unknown diseases are left unsolved, by not discovering the appropriate medicines. Even for known ones like Covid-19, aids, sars, we are struggling to find out solutions. In
a situation, some people argue that experiments on animals are ethically wrong, as they are suffering,
it should be banned, while others support because of their benefits to humanity.
essay goes through a fine view on both sides.
, when there is an emergence of finding out a vaccine, Medical Council Bars and WHO listed some rules in which it is said that the new drugs should be tested on animals like monkey and rat as a
step and
on volunteering humans. Covid-19
for instance
, which is now outrageous, crossed the
stage and it is in
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hird stage now. No vaccinations/newly invented medicines should be tested on humans
, said by the World Health Organisation(WHO). Despite the hindrances, if remedies are found, it could be highly useful to society for
For example
, Oral Polio Vaccinations are a boon to the world, even though it faced a lot of problems at an earlier stage, now the young generations are polio-free.
On the other hand
, animal lovers and environment safety trusts argue that animal testings are morally wrong stating that are
living beings, they
have families. Already because of animal trafficking, the count on particular animals decreased, but still,they are hunted for testing. If
continues, the species would be no more one day on the earth. According to a report from PETA, an animal safety organisation, the count on monkeys and domestic rats had drastically reduced,
as a result
of the above-said issues. It is not good for the environment
as the animals
have some responsibility towards the society.
it should be banned. To conclude, in my opinion,
testing on animals is beneficial, it is harmful to them and
there should be regulating authorities to monitor and supervise what is going on. Whereas, there is no other option available except
method as they are practised for
a long-time. But there are some saying that experiments can be done on offenders like rapers and murderers who brutally kill children and women.
Submitted by bjbharathkumar on

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