In some countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people rergad this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important learning and taking responsiblities?

Write both view and your opinion There is no doubt that even today, child labour is so evident. Even though it is sometimes thought that the young generation would benefit from
if they start working at their tender age, others consider
ought to be criminalised. In my opinion, I firmly believe that the later is correct as
work may have huge repercussions on one' s life. On the one hand, advocates of recruiting kids for any employment argue that
may allow them to have hands-on - experience, which can be an asset for their future career.
In other words
, they can develop skills and that can be utilized when they become adult.
For example
, in some countries, they encourage children to work in certain job sectors, on the basis of scientific evidence.
exposure may sharpen they are fine motor and brain skills.
, they could earn some money and use to buy things, which may not be possible
on the other hand
, opponents of the above- said viewpoint think that exposing the young one to a working atmosphere can be harmful and I support
is because they may be exploited by their employer by giving minimum wage for their hard work. Apart from
, kids may encounter dangerous scenarios, which may not be possible for them to handle. Eventually, they end up in a working place, where the safety is minimum.
For instance
is the reason, in many developing countries, like India, where employing under 16 year is considered as an offence and penalise those who are responsible for the same. In conclusion, people have
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various opinion whether is beneficial to employ kids or not. BY viewing both sides, I personally support to disqualify them to possess for any employment until they reach 18 years.
Submitted by Sal on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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