IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Since a long time ago, children has been offered to help adults do simple tasks with a certain amount of pay. While more and more people start allowing children learn the value of work and money, there can be many miscon
Recently, the phenomenon of putting kids in works which are related to making payments and its corresponding impacts has sparked a heated debate . Although contested by many that the matter of above-mentioned issue is hi
Some people believe having a job while studying is a valuable experience for children. On the contrary, some other people disagree. Making the right choice between these two can be quite important for adolescents. In thi
Earning money at an early age can be rewarding for those who are allowed to work. Even though it disturbs children’s attention from school and studies, they will have a salary and the job will most likely improve their t
It is quite popular to see many children across the globe actively participating in part time jobs where they earn a small amount of money for themselves. Although it is seen as a valuable experience and a learning oppor
It is often considered that adolescents use work in some nations. Meanwhile, few masses argue that child working is totally offence. Hence, others believe it is meaningful to gain experience, enhance knowledge, and gat
People are divided on whether children should earn some form of payment for doing some work. Some find this unacceptable, while it's seen by others as an avenue to gain essential work experience for learning and taking r
In the era of advancement, it has become a topic of concern about whether to allow youth to start earning or not. The chunk of folks thinks it, like a bad phenomenon, however, opposites admit that it will lead to having
There is no doubt that even today, child labour is so evident. Even though, it is sometimes thought that the young generation would benefit from this if they start working at their tender age, others consider this ought
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