Nowadays, enormous retired people decide to migrate to different countries. The persons can be benefited by choosing other countries to live after retirement,
it Linking Words
has drawbacks. Linking Words
essay will discuss the advantages alongside the disadvantages in the upcoming paragraph.
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To begin
with, let us shed the light on the merits of living abroad by retired persons. On the Linking Words
hand, a retired person can learn about a new culture by living in a different country. To explain, when a person spends some time in any country, he has to face different people by which he gets a chance to learn several positive things. Linking Words
For example
, a survey published by an international union association in 2018 showed that almost 80% of the retired people were running fruitful businesses after setting abroad.
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On the other hand
, retired people can Linking Words
face some demerits of migrating abroad. Primarily, it is hard for someone to stay away from the family who has spent their whole life with them. After deciding to live without a family in another country, the retired person has to face different challenges related to personal and social responsibilities. Linking Words
For instance
, a news report published by the human rights commission, Australia in 7News stated that the old people who shifted to Australia without their family not only find difficulties in social life but Linking Words
in their wellbeing.
To conclude, people consider moving to other countries after retirement has the advantage of exploring new cultures, but it has the disadvantage of living alone without family at Linking Words
stage of life.Linking Words