It is considered by many that the loss of particular species of plants and animals is a major environmental issue at present, while others think that there are even more critical ones do exist. I am of the opinion that
the extinction of specific flora and fauna is deeply disrupting the ecosystem, the primary concerns are global warming and ozone layer depletion.
On the one hand, many think that endangerment of some kind of flora and fauna is a big threat to mother nature as it can result in ecological imbalance. The Tasmanian Wolf, Linking Words
for instance
, when it vanished, it caused a disproportion in the natural cycle; Linking Words
Linking Words
resulted in Australia to lose one of their native animals. Their extermination Linking Words
became a reason for the increase in insects and other predators around the region. Linking Words
, the disappearance of Linking Words
wildlife does embark on some damage to the earth.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, in the later view, some think that the earth is being damaged to a greater extent because of other environmental issues. Linking Words
To begin
with, urbanization of developed and developing countries emits harmful gases in the atmosphere. Linking Words
For example
, Road traffic emissions from petrol or diesel engines increase carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides which thereby leads to global warming and Linking Words
plays a brutal role in ozone layer depletion. One of the major consequences of Linking Words
is glacier melting in Antarctica which Linking Words
leads to a rise in sea level. Linking Words
, small islands Linking Words
as the Maldives is at higher risk to be completely submerged.
In conclusion, Linking Words
nature is being damaged due to the loss of some species of wildlife, I believe that other mentioned atmospheric issues are affecting by greater means and these are the primary concerns for humanity at present.Linking Words