Human being is responsible for the exorbitant comsumption of items.
, these days amount of household Linking Words
is escalating immensely. In my opinion, the root causes behind it namely, use of overpackaging products and trend of using any items once only, along with that the essay will discuss some possible measures which the state needs to put in practice.
Use synonyms
To begin
with, people are using items which contained large packing. Linking Words
, their mentality of using any product once a while, contributing the production of more and more Linking Words
. Because it is seen that most of the products in the supermarket are well packed because these are imported by the different regions and in order to maintain the quality, well packing is required. Use synonyms
, people never take an opportunity to reuse the particular product twice. The relying on supermarkets poly bags for shopping rather than carrying one's own eco-bag is a tangible example. Linking Words
For instance
, these days fruit and vegetables are packed well which was not the case previously. Overall, the people's preferences to buy packed foodstuffs Linking Words
as can food, convenience meals and to prefer one time items ultimately contributing towards the production of more rubbish.
The implementation of 3R's policy and to organize some educational campagian by the governmnet, both are critical to mitigating the huge consumption of Linking Words
. The 3R policy is meant to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle the waste products and the approach will be effective in terms of awareness. Use synonyms
, to provide knowledge about to produce the less waste will be sustainable in a long run as people will enable to understand the harmful consequences which leads towards the far worse situations like environment degradation, reduction in the land for landfills. Linking Words
For example
, in Japan, the authotities introduced the several policies to reduce the household Linking Words
and encourage the people to follow them. Use synonyms
, these preventive measures could be worthwhile to reduce the wastage.
To conclude, since the Linking Words
few years, people are consuming more waste than ever. Linking Words
essay discussed the factors which are responsible including the slection of highly decorated products and to adopt the use and throw idea. According to essay, the solutions of the problem are twofold: to make the policy and to educate the residents.Linking Words