It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for spots or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

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opinion is that
is something that kids have inside and that not all of them can have.
, there are some people who argue that
can be reached if children are taught how to be good at something.
essay will discuss these two views and will provide my own personal opinion about it. On the one hand, many people believe that
for sport or music goes through the veins and genes. It is often believed that when a good
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player or musician give birth, their kids will be talented and good at what their parents do.
For instance
, if kids have a relative in the past who was an outstanding singer, they are often expected to be as talented as them.
, they will have
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motivation that will encourage them to become a good musician.
trend happens very often because some people believe that
goes with the genes.
On the other hand
, others believe that in order to become good at something, children must work hard. When kids start learning how to do something from an early age, they are likely to become talented later on. To me, constancy is the key to become good or talented at something.
For example
, some singers were seen as a failure and not talented when they were little.
, they did not stop practising, working hard and willing to improve.
As a result
, they became talented and very exceptional at what they do. To conclude, from my perspective,
is something that children acquire when they work hard and pursue their dreams. Everybody can be talented as long as they do not give up. I believe that in the future,
view of people being born with talents will be erased and people will try hard to be seen as talented.
Submitted by juansebastian-t on

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