It is considered by some people that the extinction of some breeds of plants and animals is the primary concern of our environment while others think that there are other environmental problems which supersede these problems.I think issues
as deforestation and global warming are more alarming.Linking Words
essay will discuss both views and provide an opinion as well in the end.
A wide variety of plants and animals have proved beneficial for the country since time long.Linking Words
of all,wide Linking Words
of plants and animals attract tourists from all over the world Use synonyms
boosting the country's economy.Linking Words
For instance
,Indonesia is well known for its diverse Linking Words
of animals which have made it one of the most preferred tourist destination. Use synonyms
,to preserve these Linking Words
many national parks,biosphere reserves and protected areas have been developed which give employment to a large number of people.Use synonyms
some people think that a reduction in the number of these Linking Words
might be a serious problem.
Use synonyms
On the other hand
, some environmental problems which are of major concern are increasing global temperature and the widespread cutting of trees.Recently,there has been a significant Linking Words
in the use of cars, refrigerators , air conditioners etc. ,which emit harmful gases in the environment, causing an abrupt rise in the temperature of the earth.Use synonyms
For example
, the melting of glaciers and rising sea level are effects of the Linking Words
in temperature of the earth.Use synonyms
In addition
,trees provide us with oxygen and forests serve as the home for many animals.But the clearing for trees and forests for industrial purposes is causing the death of many animals.To illustrate, a recent survey from the United Nations has confirmed that the Linking Words
in death of animals over the world is mainly because of the clearing of forests.These issues have dire consequences on the environment and are Use synonyms
considered important by some people.
To conclude,Linking Words
the loss of Linking Words
of flora and fauna have serious effects on humans, environmental issues Use synonyms
as global warming and deforestation should be considered significant.The rapid Linking Words
in sea level over the years and threats to human life has proved the importance of these problems.Use synonyms