In the era of
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igher competitive world, it is evident that many education institutions give significant importance to
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academic subjects rather than extra co-curricular subjects. It is always debated that some people believe that schools should give
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major importance to the academic textbooks and opine that not to consider music and sports as a subject in the academic institutes as it is not that much helpful to gain relevant knowledge for the future jobs. I disagree with
viewpoint and my inclination for the reasons are articulated in the following paragraphs.
To commence with, we have noticed that in the current decade as there is more demand
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medical, management and technical jobs which are
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as compared to other creative and artistic professions.
, many teachers always opine that pupils should
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more on their field of subjects to secure
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future jobs and become ideal citizens of the nation in the long run.
, if students are not allowed to choose their interests, they might miss an opportunity to become
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est sportsman, singer, actor,
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rtist which can be a proud moment for the country.
, as some private schools and colleges emphasis more on extra co-curricular activities, students can able to learn any sport or art in a more appropriate manner since the initial phase of
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, popular celebrities like Virat Kohli, Lionel Messi, Zakir Hussain, Arijit Singh, etc. could achieve the highest peak of their career
to their academic studies, as their coaches and instructors in the academic institutes have guided them in a systematic way since the time of their young age.
, students who do not involve in the physical activities on a routine basis and force to study just textbooks in their lecture rooms can have negative consequences.
, young pupils can have some overweight issues and may suffer from chronic diseases
as obesity, diabetes, blood pressure and heart problems early in their life.
, students who actively participate in sports, singing, dancing and other co-curricular competition can help themselves for the proper physical and psychological growth which enables them to concentrate more sharply and efficiently in any subject.
In conclusion, as per my viewpoint, despite
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igher competition, academic institutes should not only focus on imparting knowledge on
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cademic subject but
give equivalent importance to sports and arts that nurture the
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creativity and become better citizens of the nation.