Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as foood, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

many claim that giving minors the freedom of thought on all matters makes it possible for them to become highly egocentric, I believe that
is not the case since a child’s decision is often based on various components to form who they are, and it is crucial that all children gain permission to be present in every choice they make so that they can improve their cognitive skills. One might argue that those who are entitled to decide on what activities to follow at an early age may place added emphasis on their benefits rather than those of other individuals.
is predicated on the assumption that
teenagers would get accustomed to the idea that they are capable of prioritizing every single choice in their lives,
growing up being self-centred and oblivious of surrounding desires.
line of reasoning is not sound because teenagers are not necessarily limited to themselves when they are free to focus on their wishes. In fact, if guided properly,
chance can encourage them not only to spot their preferences but
to act on their parents’ advice, which means they do contemplate external factors before bringing out final results.
For example
, when minors choose means of entertainment, they often opt for games that their friends
play so that they can have companions.
On the other hand
, the ability to give opinions on every situation is of great importance to a child’s cognitive growth.
is because it instils a sense of independence and a sense of identity, which permits adolescents to reflect on their well-being in order to adjust
For instance
, primary students who are used to preparing meals will become health-conscious and avoid food that can be detrimental to their health. In conclusion, I think that children whose ideas are respected will not become selfish but empathetic and vocal as long as they are under proper guidance.
Submitted by banhbao0565 on

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