In The Future,Nobody Will Buy Printed Newspapers Or Books Because They Will Be Able To Read Everything They Want Online Without Paying.To What Extent Do You Agree Or Disagree With This Statement?

With the advancement in technology, everything is getting digital. People are now switching to e-books and online news-portals these days. I partially agree with the statement that people will stop purchasing printed books and newspapers and will elaborate my thoughts
.  Youngsters are more inclined to read everything on the internet. Many apps have been developed which have
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lead to the redundancy of paper-based books.
For instance
, Audible is a new app to listen to your favourite books while doing your routine.
, every TV news channel has created a channel on Youtube and many other platforms for online streaming. Teenagers find it more convenient and comfortable to browse everything online as they are just one click away from their desired books or news.
, they find reading books very old school and boring.
, the reduced rate of Internet Plans has
made online reading more popular than ever before. On contrary to
, the printed newspapers are still very common in the countries where cyberspace has not reached. Many developing nations are still unable to have a vast wireless network.
, the chances of reading everything online are almost negligible in those areas.
For example
, Kashmir , a small state of India is not having many internet facilities till date. Residents there rely on printed books and newspapers for connecting to the rest of the world. Apart from
, people still prefer paper-based reading when they want to relax in solitude and need a break from their phone and other gadgets. To conclude, I must say that with the immense rise in innovations, the old ideas of reading are vanishing but yet, people rely on published means of reading. And in my opinion,
old trend of reading is not going to end anytime soon.
Submitted by sabhidhillon375 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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