Some cultures appear to give preference to the older people than younger people while other cultures seem to prefer the younger generation. Which do you think is better? Discuss including your own knowledge and experience.

Some people adhere to the opinion that the elders are of more importance than the young ones. They feel that their contribution would be a massive contribution to the future generation.
, I totally disagree with
notion because the
are far more capable of aiding in the development of society.
To begin
with, some cultures tend to prioritize their senior citizens because of their tremendous life experiences in the past. These experiences can be reflected by their ability to cope with the typical challenges brought by work and personal issues.
, their knowledge and wisdom are
significant features of one's cultural heritage. Without them, the history and ancient traditions of a country will not be identified. For instances, the majority of the arts and culture industries tend to base their crafts on the history of their culture and traditions, making way for the
generation to appreciate and preserve their masterpieces.
On the contrary
, for an economy to cope with the innovative modernization, the role of the
should be of great consideration.
is because they tend to be far more adaptable to the technological breakthroughs than the old citizens.
, they are fast learners, which make it easier for the various industries to train and develop them into a talented and strong workforce.
, they are
fit for volunteer works, which are frequently performed these days because of the recent calamities in the territory.
For example
, since the old ones are more vulnerable to accidents and communicable diseases, the
are sought to join the public and private organizations in the distribution of food and health assistance in the impoverished communities.
, without them, our society may not be able to step its feet forward for its betterment. In conclusion, younger individuals are the primary asset in a nation's vision for a prosperous future.
, I stand with the view that the
should be prioritized over older people due to their vast capabilities in sustaining the country's health and wealth.
Submitted by maylenesvillaveza on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • elders
  • decision-makers
  • continuity
  • stability
  • innovative
  • entrepreneurs
  • societal progress
  • mentorship
  • intergenerational
  • experience and wisdom
  • traditional values
  • social unity
  • extended family systems
  • technological adoption
  • dynamic workforce
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