Because of the significant growth in technology, people are able to use mobile phones for various purposes. Most of the countries are using online applications for payments.
essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using it and will conclude with my point of view.
There are several benefits like during the covid-19 pandemic, people are afraid to touch anything because of safety reasons. It is difficult to pay using cash or cards as these involves physical touch. Online payment apps Linking Words
for instance
Google pay, amazon pay has come up as a saviour.They involve touch to our smartphones only. Linking Words
, the hassle of going out to ATM and withdrawing money has been eliminated. Linking Words
, there is always a risk of carrying cash as it increases the probability of getting theft. Nowadays with increasing technology awareness, most of the individuals carry phones with them all the time. Linking Words
As a result
, they can easily purchase things using online facilities.
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On the other hand
, there is a security risk while doing network payments, as Linking Words
increases the chances of hacking the bank account details. Linking Words
these platforms help us in easing our life, they bring a certain amount of liability with them. But the government can play an important role here by abiding a few rules and regulations for the software. Linking Words
for example
, the programme should be complex enough to avoid hacking. Strong anti-viruses should be deployed which can prevent harmful events to enter. With these changes, the opportunity of hackers importing the details of the user gets minimized.
To conclude, with numerous advantages of phone applications, there is a certain risk involved. But with correct measures, it can be avoided. In my opinion, these facilities are bringing more independence and growth in the country with little fear.Linking Words