Preventing the fitness issues and sickness carry more importance than the way to treat them and medical drugs. Reflection of the above should be there in the money funded by governing bodies and I completely agree with the aforementioned statement. The reasons behind the endorsement will be discussed in the essay below with relevant examples.
To begin
with, prevention of the health troubles and illness requires more attention than treating methods along with medical tablets and it should be reflected in the funding by the government as it is usually observed that these bodies are putting huge sums to introduce equipment in the hospitals to cure infections and diseases. Linking Words
, they fund dispensaries and several pharmacies to make necessary pills available to the public at large. Linking Words
For example
, Linking Words
year Delhi municipal corporation awarded 1 million rupees to a dispensary located in close vicinity to my place to disperse immunity booster capsules to the general population. Linking Words
, they hardly spend on setting up awareness campaigns to aware people about the root cause of unhealthiness and the measure they can take to prevent it.
Linking Words
In addition
to the above, since preventing issues associated with being unwell and ill weighs more than treatment and medicine, government's spending should have a reflection of it as an investment should be done by these units for altering curriculums at educational institutions and to introduce lessons that can imbibe the idea of not falling for unhealthy lifestyles and sickness among the young minds. Linking Words
, these pupils should be sponsored by governing systems and provoked to perform plays or dramas in their societies and in social events to raise concern among the general population about wellness. Linking Words
For instance
, a Keralite school group was funded by Kerela ministry to demonstrate a sound-health play in a national ceremony to spread consciousness among a nation's individuals.
In a nutshell, as prevention of problem-related to keeping healthy and sickness carry higher weightage in comparison to curing techniques, capsules and tablets so, it should be reflected in the governing body's spending because it will create required awareness among the individuals of a country, Linking Words
, if children at school are taught Linking Words
lessons and sponsored to spread Linking Words
consciousness, they will Linking Words
join hands with governmental systems.Linking Words