Some people believe that there should be fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however argue that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for committing it should be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While some individuals opine that penalty for any offence should be constant, others think that the background should
be considered. In my opinion, the situation of crime is required to be analyzed during judgement;
, both views will be discussed in the essay. On the one hand, fixing punishment for offences reduces violence from society. Because,
strategy creates a psychological sense among the citizens,
as a fear of being penalized for any blunder.
, the evildoers get no change to take advantage of proving them innocent from any hole of legislations.
, common rules make the citizens become aware, and refrain themselves to get involved in committing crimes.
For instance
, in Bangladesh, the case of rape decreased drastically after fixing the death penalty or life imprisonment for that.
, constant rules could punish the innocent. In many circumstances, people are being accused by others for illegal purposes.
, many offences happen just to rescue oneself from attack or by accident. In these cases, if the situations are not considered and impose the same laws to all, it will be an improper judgement and there is a possibility of penalizing innocent people.
For example
, hurting attackers for saving own life is not the same crime as hurting anyone for other reason.
, laws and legislations should be based on the cause of violence. In conclusion, people have contrasting views, whether the ground of the violence should be assessed while enforcing punishment or follow the common rules. I believe it would be better to judge offenders following all the phases to establish proper justice.
Submitted by bd_rume on

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