To begin
with, It is a common trend nowadays that there are some drastic changes to the worldwide economy, picturing that the financially strong communities are prospering, while less fortunate states are falling into economic crisis. In Linking Words
essay, I will look into possible causes and provide solutions.
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, investing in the population’s schooling and medicine has proven to be the main driver of the government budget. Unfortunately, the countries who are struggling with funding these spheres are undergoing evident consequences of illiteracy and healthcare issues, affecting the citizens, Linking Words
causing less adequate workforce, Linking Words
there are fewer taxpayers. Linking Words
For example
, Canada is investing in ensuring free public education and medical care, Linking Words
creating a strong pool of tax-paying class. Due to the fact, that core education and healthcare malfunction lead to the worsening of the state’s financial situation – an evident solution to Linking Words
problem is prioritizing these spheres’ funding on a government level by increasing their share in the allocation.
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, wars are the substantial causes of the rich countries getting richer and the poor ones falling deeper. It is difficult to argue that the war completely destroys the economic life of the nation while causing severe hunger, poverty, destruction of the buildings, roads and utilities. Linking Words
, while war is harmful to both sides of a conflict, the rich regions are making fortunes by selling weapons to the arguing armies. A reasonable solution to Linking Words
problem is a careful process of the peace summits and eventually a signed resolution. Another example of how we can solve the issue – the reach countries need to stop selling arms to both parties of the debate.
In conclusion, it is hard to argue that stronger and greater economies are flourishing and weaker ones are failing. Linking Words
situation is caused by a lack of affordable education and healthcare as much as by armed conflicts in some parts of the world. The possible solutions would be increasing the budget of priority spheres, bringing the fighting parties to the peace talk table and prohibition of selling the weapons.Linking Words